अंतरसांप्रदायिक सहयोग

रणनीति #3 अंतरसांप्रदायिक सहयोग

अंतरसांप्रदायिक सहयोग साधन: ensuring The Wesleyan Church of Canada is proactively working in close and effective partnership with like-minded organizations and sister denominations to advance the mission of Jesus’ Church and serving as a redemptive influence in Canada/Maine and beyond.

The Wesleyan Church is committed to working in close and intentional partnerships with our sister denominations and other para-church ministries/organizations who seek to achieve similar ministry goals and objectives. We want to find ways to coordinate efforts to alleviate poverty and injustices, be responsive in times of national/regional disasters, and serve the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the people of Canada/Maine. We want to join forces in outreach/evangelism and church multiplication efforts to under-reached people groups, and to jointly offer clergy education/supports/benefits.

We desire to present a unified voice in public policies and social issues such as: racial reconciliation, public health issues, wage inequality, gang violence, illicit drug use, hate and violent crimes, prison reform, गरीबी, child labour, bullying, domestic violence, pornography, addictions, government corruption, human trafficking, sexuality/gender issues, anti-Semitism, आदि.