You Are Invited…

A wide-open invitation to anyone ! On Sunday, March 23 at 7 p.m. Atlantic time I am hosting an on-line gathering of like-minded believers for a time seeking greater intimacy with our heavenly Father; a time of sharing the good things God has been doing in and through your life; a time to passionately intercede on behalf of our country for significant breakthroughs and revival; and asking God to raise up an army of young next-generation leaders across Canada and Maine. FEEL FREE TO PASS ALONG THE INVITATION:
Here is the zoom link:

Welcome To The Wesleyan Church of Canada



Our Mission

Raising up generations of Christ-following disciples who are characterized by the purity of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, and a passion for God, the lost and hurting

2023 – 2027 Quadrennial Vision

To improve the health and vitality of our ministry leaders (and their families), local churches and specialized ministries, which results in an annual growth rate of 5% in the number and strength of churches in every province and territory, and the state of Maine

 Key National Ministry Strategies:
  1. Promoting and supporting local church and specialized ministry multiplication (which includes broadening our base of ethnicity, and our presence in under-churched regions of Canada)
  2. Promoting leadership development and care, through such things as continuing education, mentoring, and support of our retired, disabled and injured ministry leaders
  3. Promoting best practices for ministry health and safety
  4. Recruiting next-generation ministry leaders
  5. Engaging with like-minded Canadian interdenominational ministries
  6. Promoting and supporting national and global  evangelism, relief and development ministries
  7. Continuing to develop our national infrastructures

Strategy #1: Ministry Health and Multiplication

Ensuring every local church and specialized ministry (camping, immigrant, chaplaincy, school, etc.) is functioning in a transformative, God-usable, healthy, creative, culturally relevant, and growing manner.

Strategy #2: Leadership Development and Care

ensuring every lay and clergy/ministry leader is healthy in all aspects of their life, and growing in their leadership capacity and potential.  Additionally, we aim to ensure all pastors and their families are being well-cared for in their retirement years, and during times of sickness or injury..

Strategy #3: Interdenominational Cooperation

Ensuring The Wesleyan Church of Canada is proactively working in close and effective partnership with like-minded organizations and sister denominations to advance the mission of Jesus’ Church and serving as a redemptive influence in Canada/Maine and beyond.

Strategy #4: Global Responsibilities and Responsiveness

Ensuring The Wesleyan Church of Canada is on the forefront of global evangelism and church multiplying efforts, contributing timely and helpful emergency responses during times of natural disasters, and providing substantive support to ongoing international relief and development efforts.

Keep up to date

If you’d like to keep up on what’s going on around the Wesleyan Church of Canada, you can view our most recent newsletter here.